Chi Alpha Events
Mark your calendars!
Spring 2025

January 2-5
Rochester, MN
Commissioned Conf
Join Chi Alphas from across 14 states for our winter conference focused on reaching the world for Christ!

January 31
Northview Church
Evening of Prayer
The name says it all! This is a night of pursuing God in prayer - uninterrupted. Come for an hour or all night!

April 21-25
NDSU Campus
Marketplace Week
A week where we will dive into what it looks like to be on mission in the marketplace!

January 16-23
NDSU Campus
Prayer + Fasting
A week dedicated to seeking the Lord together! We will have a prayer room over lunch (11-1) in Sudro 26!

February 21
Guys / Girls Night
An opportunity to dive into deeper teaching and fellowship as men and women of God!

April 26
Northview Church
Formal + Talent Show
Celebrate the end of an amazing semester with sweet friends before we head home for summer!

January 23
Anishinaabe Theater
Bring a Friend Night
A night to invite friends to Chi Alpha to experience fellowship, worship, and connection.

April 17
Northview Church
Chi Alpha United
Celebrate Easter with both NDSU + MSUM Chi Alpha on the Thursday before we leave for break!

April 27
The Send (Grads)
An opportunity for Spring Graduates to be celebrated, encouraged, and prayed for before they are sent off!
Weekly Events

Mondays at 7 am
AG Hill 336
Morning Prayer
Start your week off right praying for our campus, classmates, and all areas of life!

Thursdays at 6 & 7:30 pm
Anishinaabe Theater
Pre-Service Prayer
Before our weekly gathering every Thursday, join us to pray over the evening and our campus!

Thursdays at 7 & 8:30 pm
Anishinaabe Theater
Weekly Gathering
Together is our favorite place to be! We meet together every Thursday for worship, teaching, and fellowship!